I'm currently trying to edit my project by adding directly a code directory via Pharo to it.
I tried to reload new Pharo 11 images but the same error is always occuring: `SubclassResponsi…
To reproduce: start Strongtalk, launch Hierarchy Browser on Visual, and
"Typecheck all Classes". Various symptoms of a VM crash appear, either an
actual crash, or hardcode boolean error message w…
When you complete hello-world, you are presented with a progress tracker for core exercises.
We need to implement these for Pharo.
However @kytrinyx, how do we know what are the core exercises? …
macta updated
5 years ago
I'm trying to debug production changes and I'm seeing a lot of extra stuff going on. `maglev-ruby -e nil` winds up scanning all of this:
26:yydebug: state 2, reading 261 (kBEGIN)
This is the reason we are so slow on the "Acid" benchmark presented here: http://www.chrisseaton.com/rubytruffle/pushing-pixels/
(see http://slideshow.rubyforge.org/ruby19.html#21)
Ruby 1.9
`irb(main):001:0> {:a=>"a", :c=>"c", :b=>"b"}
=> {:a=>"a", :c=>"c", :b=>"b"}`
Ruby 1.8
`irb(main):001:0> {:a=>"a", :c=>"c", :b=>"b"}
=> {…
1. FFI::Library::LIBC is not initialized to be the same as FFI::Platform::LIBC (it's not set to anything)
2. The return value of FFI::Library::ffi_lib() is of wrong type, seems to be [ ['/path/to/lib'…
Modest proposal: Let's become true LuaJIT experts!
Specifically let's understand all the relevant details well enough to write a really simple HOWTO for Snabb hackers to write predictably fast code…
(AllUsers userWithId:'GcUser') symbolList insert:
{ (((AllUsers userWithId:'DataCurator') resolveSymbol: #UserGlobals) value) }
at: 1
We added code modification privilege to GcUser.
Lets say I have a WebComponent *lively-tool* that uses another Webcomponent *lively-list* internally in its shadow root.
Now when I change `lively-list.js`, neighter the internal *lively-list* nor …