I found a paper (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2023.08.005) that cites Dandiset 000458 (https://doi.org/10.48324/dandi.000458/0.230317.0039). When I went to the Dandiset landing page, I find that t…
In the current implementation for mmlu task. The output is given as
mmlu acc
- humanities acc
- other acc
- social_sciences acc
- stem acc
Each of the per category accuracies is computed in th…
I will list the test results of various open-source models here. You can refer to these data to select models and configure devices. Of course, the evaluation of LLM is quite subjective. I also sugges…
### Bug description
I'm creating an article in Quarto and using the `section-title-footnotes:` option in YAML to change the default "Footnotes" title to "References".
This customisation works as i…
Hey, I've been using this project for a while an creating different agents for random use cases. From the description of the copilot mode visiting the websites it finds as relevant results of splittin…
create separate file for boilerplate content. remove from [`get_a_sample_data_model`](https://github.com/sinaatalay/rendercv/blob/main/rendercv/data_models.py#L1428) function in [`data_models.py`](htt…
Question: Should `div`, `span`, `i`, `b`, and the like support `aria-label` and `aria-labelledby`? Technically they do. And maybe they should. But I'm leaning towards no. Consider:
```A whole bunch…
Thomas_Breuel 开授的课程
- Cum Laude candidate
[USA House of Representatives - INVESTIGATION OF COMPETITION IN DIGITAL MARKETS ](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CPRT-117HPRT47832/pdf/CPRT-117HPRT47832.pdf) :
As p…
### What's the problem this feature will solve?
There's a long standing class of attacks that are typically called "dependency confusion" attacks, which roughly boil down to an individual expected to…