## Description
cmake .. -DCUDA_VERSION=10.2
Building for TensorRT version: 8.2.4, library version: 8
-- Targeting TRT Platform: x86_64
-- CUDA version set to 10.2
-- cuDNN version set to 8…
It is my understanding that the new stable release should be able to convert any PyTorch model with fallback to PyTorch when operations cannot be directly converted to TensorRT. I am trying to convert…
I am running jetson-inference on Drive PX2(consists of 2 TX2), however it seems that this platform does not support FP16 (which should support), I checked the code and it comes with this:
## Bug Description
ERROR: [Torch-TensorRT] - Unsupported operator: aten::where.self(Tensor condition, Tensor self, Tensor other) -> (Tensor)
问题描述:使用Paddle-TRT 运行paddleslim量化后的模型,设置precision_mode=AnalysisConfig.Precis…
### Describe the issue
Hi, I tried to use QDQ Format to quantize my onnx model and use trtexec to benchmark its inference speed. And I met a problem similar to #11535. After I add `extra_options={'Ad…
Hi, a quick question. I implemented the naive PTQ algorithm using MQBench and exported the onnx model. The backend is tensorRT. But I am confused that the `clip_ranges.json` file is empty:
您好,我在做 infer 的时候,一直报一下错误:
test_tipc/test_train_inference_python.sh: line 29: [: =: unary operator expected
python3.7: can't open file 'gpu': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Run failed with com…
python mmdeploy/tools/deploy.py \
mmdeploy/configs/mmdet/detection/detection_tensorrt_dynamic-320x320-1344x1344.py \
mmdeploy/detectors_cascade_rcnn_r50_1x_coco.py \
- 问题描述:使用Paddle-TRT 运行paddleslim量化后的模型,设置precision_mode=…