css-pseudo-4 [defines](https://drafts.csswg.org/css-pseudo-4/#treelike) the terms "tree-abiding pseudo-element" and (a stricter subset) "part-like pseudo-element". Some pseudo elements fall into the…
We're using `Leaflet.Control.Select` to provide a popup tree of commands.
We acknowledge that the core purpose of the component is a tree of checkboxes.
But, in our context, the control is faili…
We need to use Angular Material make a [tree view](https://material.angular.io/components/tree/overview) of the components and devices the user can select, and allow them to select one. Note that the …
### Steps to reproduce:
1. Launch NVDA.
2. Install and launch Thunderbird 115.
3. Add at least one e-mail account (with messages present in it) in Thunderbird, so you can browse through folders and…
The current implementation of `crdt.Array` is based on `RGATreeList`, which uses both `SplayTree` and `LLRBTree` for internal element retrieval. While this structure works, the…
**Issue by [peterflynn](https://github.com/peterflynn)**
_Thursday Jul 19, 2012 at 01:09 GMT_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/adobe/brackets/issues/1280_
1. Select a _folder_ in the p…
**Describe the bug**
Switching from Tree to JSON tab results in this message:
_"An error was caught while rendering the AST. This usually is an issue with astexplorer itself. Have a look at the cons…
If there is an action, and that action has an upgrade to a version that is not the current one, selecting the action will not select the upgrade instead of the action.
This means that when the upgrad…
Great idea for a plugin. Though I usually use File Tree Alternative - I tested this in normal fil tree. I could only see an icon once on hover. After that nothing showed. I tried widening the file nam…
Not sure if this is an NMDC thing, or needs to be a collaboration with ENVO.
Assigning ENVO terms to the environmental triad can be confusing. Would be helpful to have
1. a tree or some kind of re…