The College of Lake County CSV file has the following issues.
**AI Course Crawler Extract link:** https://master.ai-course-crawler.development.c66.me/datasets/courses/32
**Extract file in Googl…
While trying to load a TFDS dataset from GCS, I encountered this error:
/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/array_record/python/array_record_data_source.py in _create_reader
176 def _cr…
Hello, I'm trying to translate two ef series(jp).
there are each one problem for the game
In ef -first, I can't extract mov.paz.
And in ef -latter, unpack works, but repack of bg.paz doesn't work …
Try use the latest Llama 3.1 (8B) colab notebook, but fails with following error.
Notebook: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1Ys44kVvmeZtnICzWz0xgpRnrIOjZAuxp?usp=sharing
### Link to the coursework
[Build, organize, and format a spreadsheet using Google Sheets.](https://applieddigitalskills.withgoogle.com/c/college-and-continuing-education-uk/en-uk/g-suite-certificati…
### Task
There is a need to retest and compare the functionality between the old and new WYSIWYG editors on WYSIWYG fields in dotCMS. This includes verifying feature parity, user experience, and ov…
Complete Project Proposal
Final Project Proposal due 10/13
Have a draft up before then so that we can review and make edits.
- DeepL
- 英単語をカタカナ表記に翻訳される (mapathon=マップソン、exciting=エキサイティング、activity=アクティビティ)
- 「」で囲われている会話文の英語は翻訳してくれない時がある(「No.」「I think so.」)
- 制限字数は3000字で多くていいが、時間制限(30分くらい?・もしくは回数制限…
Hey, I'm trying setting up a Colab demo with MCDSE but getting something obvious wrong: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1aEgITiGDgKb3RSaKHcNjdHa67HVkibZc?usp=sharing
Would appreciate a seco…