XrayR.service - XrayR Service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/XrayR.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Sun 2022-12-25 21:22:22 CST; 17min ago
Main …
I'm confused about the relationship between shadowsocks, v2ray, and simple-obfs. My understanding of simple-obfs was that it wrapped the messages with an HTTP header to make them appear more like web …
I've done all the listed steps but I think there is a problem with certs
it's not working and I'm getting this logs on a loop
[Mon Oct 3 13:57:36 UTC 2022] code='200'
I using 2 type of vpns on 2 different servers placed in 2 different countries so when I’m trying to connect to “mobile legends bang bang” MLBB with wifi using either of vpn protocols i can open t…
Thanks for the repository. I suggest adding this description at the beginning of the readme.md
# What is this?
This is an easy installation script to help you config these VPN protocols on your…
Tried the following methods but none of them works
- https://github.com/shadowsocks/ShadowsocksX-NG
- https://github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks-libev + https://github.com/shadowsocks/v2ray-plugin…
Did anyone manage to use the v2ray method on windows or mac clients?
My server config is correct as it works on iOS and Android.
Also, other Shadowsocks configs which do not use the v2ray plugin…
Pr0nE updated
2 years ago
Hey. I've installed v2ray-plugin by just building it (`go build`) as the official repo suggests.
When I run Shadowsocks by `ss-server -c config.json` , I get this error:
> 2019-08-23 11:08:46 INFO…
ghost updated
2 years ago
Hi, Acris
因为家中有nas设备, 联通/移动无公网ip,自带ddns很慢,于是设置的zerotier,ipv4默认下能达到在外手机iphone/android 5G流量访问nas各种apps, chrome 访问nas/webui登录,ssh 移动客户端登录路由后台,速度可看nas中2k视频...但是最近发现,有部分设备联不通了, zerotier peers查看,planet/e…