With `contrast = { non_current_windows = true }` the fold column of the inactive windows gets darkened while sign column and line numbers do not. While my personal preference would be that all three w…
Truecolor works just out of the box within the terminal emulator of my choice - st by suckless. Neovim looks perfect. However, I've recently noticed that `:set termguicolors` breaks the colors in Vim.…
Hi, I'm not entirely sure how to port this but I recently came across [fenetikm/falcon](https://github.com/fenetikm/falcon) and it looks like something I'd want to try out but I'm not able to use an e…
## absturuct
After expand, mode change to normal.
## enviroment
### \~/.vim/vimrc
call plug#begin()
Plug 'junegunn/vim-plug'
Plug 'prabirshrestha/asyncomplete.vim'
Plug 'prabirshrestha/a…
Hello. I've seen #222 and saw that it was merged into master but don't see the changes in the current release v6.5.5.
Is this feature still being worked on?
Also wanted to say thanks for all of t…
Prior to submitting a new issue make sure to complete these steps:
- [ ] Checkout the `dev` branch and confirm the issue is present there as well.
The `dev` branch contains fixes that may no…
It used to be the same color as "@variable" (like "colors" and "material" in the sample pic) but now it defaults to the same color as comments:
### Question
So tokyo night has changed there settings and you need to have setup run before the color scheme loads so i tried doing this
# When
loading nova colorscheme by `:colorscheme nova`
# Error Message
Error detected while processing /Users/(username)/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nova.nvim/colors/nova.lu…
Im getting the following errors when i start Gvim:
OS: Windows 7
```Error detected while processing D:\gvim\vimfiles\plugin\vim-code-dark\autoload\airline\themes\codedark.vim:
line 64: