I am trying to count number of items per group. There are about 45,000 groups, and the total number of items is in billions. Ideally, internally this query should establish a hashmap with counts, thu…
Attempting to install per instructions in README; specifically running `python setup.py install` in `wikibase-sync` after cloning; using Python 3.10 specifcally.
Output where error occurs is as fol…
- [ ] Create knowledge graph
- [ ] Get mappings for multiomics data
Is it possible to add/edit the query examples in WDQS? I would like to add my own examples since I have other items and properties.
Can you support other language? You can get correct labels from Wikidata
Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Modified_Newtonian_dynamics&action=info
Every Wikipedia page has a `Page ID` property. Can we expose this as a property in the Python `page` object?
!$kgtk graph-embeddings -i "$TEMP"/item.edges.tsv.gz \
--output_format kgtk \
-o "$OUT"/graph-embeddings.tsv.gz
I get the following error:
szeke updated
3 years ago
some projects are repeated in the beneficiaries fiches
[Consejería de Educación](https://kohesio.ec.europa.eu/es/beneficiarios/Q3213251)
both lines point to the same entity in the wikibase
Hello @jhpoelen ,
I have a dataset of symbioses between protists and prokaryotes, compiled from the literature. The database is originally structured as a Wikibase instance on Wikibase.cloud (http…
Kanske en kandidat se [länk](https://gitlab.com/open-data-knowledge-sharing/wiki/-/wikis/Katalog-%C3%B6ver-%C3%B6ppen-programvara-inom-offentlig-sektor)
* kanske även myndigheterna borde identifier…