When relating a charm to zookeeper-k8s via the "client" relation, a client relation counter is incremented to prevent multiple client connections. When this relation is removed, either by removing th…
1) test with external zookeeper with multiple connected nodes (Testcontainers.Container.KafkaContainerTest)
Error: test/container/kafka_container_test.exs:251
** (MatchError) no match of…
After starting up the server, I get an error when I try to go to the site:
Request Method: GET
Request URL: http://localhost:8000/
Django Version: 1.3.1
Python Version: 2.6.1
Did anyone faced this issue.
I am using kafka_2.11-1.1.0 and doctorkafka to run doctorkafka.
Running the process:
java -server \
-cp libs/*:doctorkafka-…
I've really appreciated the trail blazing this project has done in helping make native Kafka a thing in the community.
Now that [KIP-974](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-974%3…
Awesome Project! I just have one issue with it... I have an application being orchestrated by Zookeeper and the backups of zookeeper are taking about 3 hours to run completely. There is a way to make …
I've setup a zookeeper:
helm --namespace vince2 install --name vince2-zookeeper incubator/zookeeper
created a values.yaml
cat > values.yaml
localhost:zklua steven$ make
gcc -c `pkg-config --cflags lua` -fPIC -O2 zklua.c
zklua.c:28:1: error: unknown type name '_'
In file included from zklua.c:29:
In file included from ./zklua.h:24:
Currently, kafka-node does not have support for brokers that are configured to have separate listeners for internal and external traffic. This was introduced in KIP-103.
There are 2 aspects to this…
better ui -ux
1.better declaration of project purpose:
implementation of leader election algorithm using apache zookeeper .
2.microservices : front end server ,zookeeper server , workers.