Error: 'The action "Run AppleScript" encountered an error: "Set: Entry, ":
0:BundelsRelocatable", Does Not Exist'
Please help
Things weren't working for me, so I ran the command on the command line to see what's going on:
➝ ~/dotfiles/vim/bundle/iterm2-navigator/switch.py h
This almost works for me. Sorry, I'm no coder but here goes:
Using Zotero (latest), Scrivener 3.2.2 (latest), M1 Mac Big Sur 11.2.2 (latest).
The zotpick-scannable-cite applescript (lau…
The following code:
(defun bw-switch-to-emacs ()
"Switches to Emacs"
(do-applescript "set appName to \"Emacs\"
set needsActivation to false
tell application \"System Events\"
compiling manually on os x 10.8.2
I've set my default ID in the config sh.
``` shell
$ bash INSTALL.sh
Ensuring '/Users/paulirish/Library/Scripts/Folder Action Scripts/' exists
Performing find-and-r…
Is there a way to install App Store apps from the command line?
- AppleScript trigger for App Store?
mence updated
9 years ago
See https://github.com/andrehaveman/spotify-node-applescript and https://github.com/jakemarsh/atom-spotify
## Error messages and additional information
The AppiumForMAC Crashed and Quit
Process: AppiumForMac [1666]
Path: /Applications/AppiumForMac.app/Contents/Mac…
is create-dmg ssh compatible? If i do it on a desktop enviroment it works well but on the same M1 Mac by SSH its not working.
Here is the error log
`Device name: /dev/disk46
Searching …
JvB94 updated
7 months ago
My error:
create-dmg \
--volname "MyApp" \
--icon "extras/macos/icon.icns" \
--hide-extension "dist/MyApp.app" \
--hdiutil-quiet \
"MyApp.dmg" \
Creating di…