Pre-build packages of the different version of TF don't exist for every platform (for example not with Python 3.8, not for non-Intel hosts). A typical error message which terminates `make all` looks l…
Hello Ben and team,
I am having trouble with the taxa assignation using dada2 and the MIDORI reference database. I've sequenced a Metazoan COI library based on Leray et al. 2013 primers targeting an …
## Meeting Details
- **Date/Time:** March 16, 2022 @ 6:00pm UTC / 10:00 am PST
- **Location:** [Discord SIG-Graphics-Audio Voice Room](https://discord.gg/q7Ps8mMDnr)
- **Moderator:** JonB (winter…
I have noticed a lot of errors in the taxonomy ranks when looking at the names. At first, I used the already trained version (4.13) when I noticed the problem. I decided to use the pr2_version_…
I'm running on the ANCOM-BC tutorial.
I got the error "**_could not find function "feature.table_pre_process_**".
Do I need any more installation of prerequisites?
I attached my code fi…
While GitHub automatically renders the PDF stored in the repo under the corresponding version directory. It would be nice to have a linked GitHub page that automatically loads and renders from the ava…
I am looking for advices for the best way to clean up microbiome sequencing data that have been contaminated by Mock community (Zymo) controls. I know how many cells to retrieve per species per…
执行recipe下的sh文件时,相对路径寻找有很多的问题,尤其以找不到. subtools/*.sh文件这样的问题居多,因为recipe下没有subtools文件,我只能把subtools路径加入到PATH里,然后把代码改成. *.sh才能执行。不知道是我那里没设置好,还是您的代码相对路径存在问题
As of
In [1]: pd.__version__
Out[1]: '1.4.0.dev0+1085.g01b86edbbb'
From this ASV
class NumbaVSCython:
params = (
["sum", "max", "min", "median", "mean"],
Need to agree on a structure of the rules i.e. `/v6/java/6.2.5.yaml` or `/java/v6/6.2.5.yaml` or `/v6/6.2.5/java/rule.yaml`
I think it makes sense to maybe go with language first? What will people…