It brings arbitrary-precision floating-point and rational arithmetic to
Python using a C++ library:
It'd be interesting to c…
Deleting some files, I just got back:
ERROR with /cms/store/temp/user/jchu.ed7103adcbb86945edceb58384e75ebf06be3c23/QCD_HT1000to1500_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-madgraphMLM-pythia8/crab_HistosV6p1_bs2derr…
was able to start even though the pileup is not within the sitewhitelist.
We're probably too early to start thinking about optimizations, but these ideas/questions were on my mind so leaving this here for discussion.
1. As far as I understand the code, for the indexes we ar…
Symbolic comparison is wrongly used in several places throughout Sage (overview https://trac.sagemath.org/wiki/symbolics/nonzero). The ticket replaces code involuntarily calling `__nonzero__` with a…
there is no iso9660 support I can't mount .iso images.
To help users pre-filter features and remove those that are not informative (so as to speed computation of glmpca), provide the function to compute deviance for each feature and rank the features by h…
**Describe the bug**
When running large populations, I occasionally (rarely, something like 1 in 10^5 binaries) get the following error:
ERROR: in Early_Asymptotic_Giant_Branch::double GiantBranc…
It thought it would be easy and similar to model_parameters.principal, but no 😢
``` r
#> Loading required namespace: GPArotation