Hi all,
Has anyone has found this problem with sensor reading?
user_i2c_write: Remote I/O error
It starts to happen randomly after some time with device up; and only solves if I reset device…
I have the following piece of code, however when I run it, it returned CCCD error:
OSError: Failed to read CCCD value, err 0x3002
chara = bleio.Chara…
Ich stelle seit Monaten fest, dass die Luftfeuchtigkeit, die mein Sensor anzeigt, viel zu hoch ist - meist sehe ich ausschließlich 99,9% über Stunden, Tage, Wochen. Dies betrifft also nicht nur die ak…
I tried to compile this version, and got the following error:
Arduino: 1.8.8 (Windows 10), Board: "Generic ESP8266 Module, 80 MHz, Flash, ck, 26 MHz, 40MHz, DOUT, 1M (no SPIFFS), 2, v2 Higher Bandwi…
Connected a BME680 and i2cscan detects the sensor. However, the sensor would show up on the main screen. Whats wrong?
Why are you using the hard set ttyAMA0 ?
> def __init__(self, device='/dev/ttyAMA0', baudrate=9600, pin_enable=22, pin_reset=27):
If you use _/dev/serial0_ as per normal RPi serial setups then …
The above line of code causes multiple readouts of the BME280 sensor, every second o…
I tried to implement this library in order to read the data form this sensor.
Here's my code:
import sys, time
import board
import busio
import digitalio
import adafruit_bme680
cs = digi…
From the readme:
> We still need to either combine the results of redundant sensors or report both
This is currently in progress and being worked on (#6), I'm creating this to document the issu…