It would be nice if there was a feature that could sync some fields in the selected JSON files.This would be great for projects using both package.json, component.json and bower.json.
For example the…
Any chance you will add bower compatibility? It's really handy to be able to keep track of packages with a package management system rather than download/update manually every time.
There are a lot of projects that have the `bower.json` but not the `component.json`. When using `bower`, the main file pointer from the config is always a self functional JS file. It's not like the ma…
Replace `dApp-Srv-Exp/js` folder content with bower packages
[Component](https://github.com/componentjs/component) and [Bower](https://bower.io/docs/creating-packages/) are both deprecated.
You need to migrate to npm and package.json standard build.
Using an …
Would be great if this could be registered as a Bower package for quick installation!
**Output of `bower -v && npm -v && node -v`:**
Output of deployment and build pipeline
(paste your output here)
bower progressbar.js#~0.8.1 CERT_HAS_EXPIRED Request to https://registry.bower.…
Hi team.
I'm not using bower anymore;
Could you submit this package on npm?
gulp and bower are installed as global dependecies but this is not possible while packaging.
I had to figure out the following steps before I got this project running: (some of these should be eliminated)
- Remove extra comma from package.json
- Clean node_modules/\* and re-run "npm install"