- It has well tested CellML import
- It has a system to express equations that allows both a programmatic form `myokit.Plus(myokit.Name(x), myokit.Number(2, myokit.units.mV))` and a user-…
- [x] Detect stimulus info variables
- [x] Remove embedded protocol if possible
- [x] Generate appropriate protocol/script based on V guess and time units
- [x] Update GUI import
- [x] Update scri…
We say what the rules are when we use component references, and then we tack on a (see component reference) bit where we re-explain but worse?
Would be cool if Myokit could:
- [ ] open a CellML 1.0/1.1 file without importing
- [ ] generate Jon's simplified code
- [ ] be able to convert back to real CellML again and save
- [ ] show it i…
See #16
See #23
Test_while_loop adds an input and overrides an existing equation
- [x] Parse model inputs --> Get info down to model generation stage in FC
- [x] Update code generation with inputs i…
We're currently allowing `-1.23` and also `1e+23`, but not `+2` or `+1.23e+456`
- Open https://models.physiomeproject.org/workspace/49e/rawfile/0a252e033bdf5e65d5a6490c9d3ade9035fef04e/experiments/cell-model.sedml;
- Open the corresponding CellML file;
- Close the corresponding…
In version 1.1 this is OK for states & constants.
Myokit will only support it for constants (and convert it to an RHS)
They don't return text but update element trees, and the methods have a different signature.
If they stop being expression writers we can also remove all the set_lhs_functions etc. and make them co…