Grizzly misues StringBuffer at several places. In some public methods of certain
classes as well, StringBuffer is mysteriously required as a method argument.
JSONParser and ServerCookie classes are ex…
The current DataHandler hardcode the "NOTIFY_END" final message used to resume
the response. When the JavaAPI is used, it is impossible to know that we need to
push the NOTIFY_END event without lookin…
Right now, only the bundles and the framework modules has been OSGi-ed. comet,
cometd,mb, http and http-utils should also be available as OSGi bundle.
#### Environment
Operating System: All
Platform: …
The current Bayeux JAVA API is broken as we need to re-add support for
DeleverRes.setFinished(true) to force the Cometd DataHandler to write the JSON
#### Environment
Operating System: All
In com.sun.grizzly.cometd.bayeux.Data.toJSON(), the data.keySet() is invoked.
But data is obtained from setMapData(Map) can be null.
This is a potential a NPE.
#### Environment
Operating System: All
#### Environment
Operating System: All
Platform: All
#### Affected V…
In current implementation of BayeuxClient.java in extras/cometd-client.
We do a reconnect even after _disconnecting = false.
This will force BayeuxClient to send a connect message even after a disconn…
I don't know exactly how to trigger this but Grizzly sometimes replies with a
malformed response like this:
Request(has been URL decoded):
In current implementation of Handshake.java, it tries to check whether
the version is between 0.9 and 1.0 inclusively.
The logic is as follows:
return (ver = 0.9) && ...
where ver is a float variable.…
Thsi method should not be static so it doesn't conflict when more than one
Selector Thread gets created.
#### Environment
Operating System: All
Platform: All
#### Affected Versions