When I try to build for ios I get this error
Plugins/cordova-plugin-fcm/FCMPlugin.m:100:15: error: property 'webViewEngine' not found on object of type 'FCMPlugin *'
1> [self.webView…
## Request for Mozilla Position on an Emerging Web Specification
* Specification Title: Local Font Access API
* Specification or proposal URL: https://wicg.github.io/local-font-access/
* Caniuse.…
I am running a 2007 Mac Mini. 1.83 Core 2 Duo, 1 GIG RAM. Mac OS 10.6.8, stock install with nothing else installed on the computer. (Well, Makerware as well.)
I am running a Robo 3D Pr…
I can’t open the roms, they crash or get stuck on the loading screen. Here’s my crash log.
"bug_type":"109","os_version":"Watch OS 6.3 (17U208)","build_version":"1","timestamp":"2021-04-19 15:29:47…
bod | 0x104778000 - 0x10477bfff com.apple.WebKit.WebContent arm64 /System/Library/Framew…
I get the following error on OSX 10.6.8 for your tool trying to convert a simple NIFTI file back to DICOM:
Process: qnifti2dicom [807]
Path: /Applications/qnifti2dicom.app/Cont…
norne updated
12 years ago
facebook-sdk-for-unity version: 7.10.0
using latest 5.x version of unity
Here are the errors in the cloud build log:
> 11414: [xcode] Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
11415: …
**Host Environment**
- OS: Ubuntu on Jetson Nx (arm-linux)
- Compiler: g++7
**To Reproduce**
I tried to install qt5-base with manifest file vcpkg.json on arm-linux platform (Nvidia Jetson Nx),bu…
When you try to open the app it closes immediately using an iMac with Intel CPU
Running this
@show getpid()
import GR
function doit(n)
for i = 1:n
img = rand(32, 32)
print("$i, ")
import Profile