I am trying to deploy a bare-bones solution containing ServiceStack Nuget packages to an Azure Website from Bitbucket.
Deployment log file:
Command: deploy.cmd
Handling .NET Web Application deployme…
Hi guys,
thank you first of all for this stuff. Now with rise of microservices based on event sourcing, CQRS patterns, the central truth has moved into so called Event Store while local instances b…
This more fundamental question as soon as the whole idea of centralized event store is somehow against the distributed design :-)))
Have you ever considered more design where each events are only s…
Imagine I have a command send from client via http api, this command message is tranlated into event which is internally via adapter submited either via amqp/kafka/http to event store. Once the event …
I am now in need of some kind of framework to help me with implementing event store with CQRS patterns.
My natural choice was Spring technologies, second I found 2 frameworks Eventuate and A…
This would make the interfaces cleaner and allow for cleaner configuration of the behavior of event handling.
Abp architecture for MicroServices/SOA
Goal: Create a working sample using Abp in order to illustrate MicroServices/SOA approach.
The concept I am willing to achieve is SOA Done Right, or Micros…
This definition suggests categorizing messages between `events` and `actions`.
I think the distiction is very natural but the industry is leaning towards `events` vs `commands`. These names come fr…
In our microservices architecture REST API servers "only" for:
- Domain CRUD operations
- Bridge to push events to event bus for HTTP only clients
On the other hand, whole architecture follows sa…
## Overview
It's almost here! We've made significant changes to the codebase and are now compliant with stripe API version ~~**2016-03-07**~~ **2017-06-05**.
I want to give a huge thanks to all …