I just added very basic support for lookahead, basically coz since the match is already doing a lookahead (`peek(...)`) to support the other assertions (i.e: `\b`) it made sense to implement it. Howev…
### Issue Report Checklist
* [x] Searched the [issues page](https://github.com/spyder-ide/spyder/issues?q=is%3Aissue) for similar reports
* [x] Read the relevant sections of the [Spyder Troubl…
See if I can create a live updating graph - even though I might not have high enough frequency data to actually need this for the Bird Behavior app.
I have some code that uses `gsl::make_span(cont.begin(), cont.end())` quite heavily. This compiles fine on macOS and Linux with GCC and Clang, but fails on MSVC. Instead, I have to use `gsl::make_spa…
# 문제
자바에서 stack기능을 가지고 있는 클래스들을 알려주세요.
예상 꼬리 질문
- 두 클래스의 성능차이는 어떻게 되나요?
- Stack 클래스보다 ArrayDeque클래스가 빠르다고 하는데 이유가 뭘까요?
### 들어가야 할 키워드 정리
From the docs of VecDeque:
A double-ended queue implemented with a growable ring buffer.
The “default” usage of this type as a queue is to use push_back to add to the queue, and pop_front t…
### 1038. 감소하는 수 [링크](https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/1038)
- 조합(순서상관없이) 모든 경우 수
- 감소하는 수의 규칙을 확인
- 풀이
N = int(input())
from itertools import combinations
if N < 10:
queue: FIFO
deque: 插入和删除在2端进行
优先级队列: 插入O(1), 取出O(logN)
map、set 底层的实现都是哈希表;
Related to https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/issues/1849
How to reproduce:
add ```fiber.sleep(0.5)``` in mentioned in the issue test after [this line](https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/b…
### What site is this for?
Quansight Labs
### Expected behavior
_No response_
### Actual behavior
Currently, when running the Deque Chrome Dev Tools Axe audit on a [blog page with code blocks](ht…