Some archives deliver their data in fits.gz format, in the case I was using, they were able to get the sizes down to 50%.
Both fv and ds9 handle this transparently, and we're going to miss the boat o…
I expect the contrast/bias adjust to behve roughly like ds9: regardless of zoom level, dragging left->right should adjust the bias from the faintest to the brightest pixel, and bottom to top should ad…
Using a script which functioned properly with spectral-cube 0.4.5, after upgrade to 0.6.0 get the following error:
In [1]: run ~/Science/ALCHEMI/Reduction/GaussFit/ALCHEMIGeneralGaussFit.py
With regions 0.3, creating a ds9 reg file with a circle radius in arcsecond, the radius in the output file is in degrees:
In [1]: from regions import CircleSkyRegion, write_ds9, ds9_objects_to…
saimn updated
3 years ago
Submit your add-ons in this issue, thanks for your contribution!
Submission template:
**ID:** (optional, use only to determine which addon in mobi to update)
**ID Requirement:** (o…
Right now, the mock images are explicitly set to have a (0,0) origin [here](https://github.com/superbit-collaboration/superbit-metacal/blob/master/GalSim/mock_superBIT_data.py#L602) in `mock_superbit_…
_Issue [JP-2308](https://jira.stsci.edu/browse/JP-2308) was created on JIRA by [Kevin Volk](https://jira.stsci.edu/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=kvolk):_
I ran a Mirage simulation through the pipeli…
The image windows should default to having square pixels (even as they are resized).
- The most intuitive default is to have square pixels, regardless of whether the WCS says they are not square w…
The behavior of the two button is difficult to understand.
It seems that
- `save image` saves only the reconstructed image in a fits files
- `save oifits` saves everything as defined in the OI-ima…