Contribute your fizzbuzz implementation in PHP.
See requirements: https://sample-programs.therenegadecoder.com/projects/fizz-buzz/
Add snippet here: https://github.com/TheRenegadeCoder/sample-programs/tree/master/archive/c/coffeescript
**Describe the bug**
By viewing the log, request body can look three fields("name","data_set_tyep","info") in handler function,
but, when I get request data by `request.form`, just get two fields da…
See requirements: https://sample-programs.therenegadecoder.com/projects/fizz-buzz/
Add snippet here: https://github.com/TheRenegadeCoder/sample-programs/tree/master/archive/m/matlab
Добрый день!
В целом вся логика в коде верна, но нужно было просто выводить либо число, либо Fizz, либо Buzz, либо FizzBuzz.
| Число | Вывод |
% ?- test(0).
test(N) :-
N1 is N+1,
fizzbuzz(N) :-
N mod 3 =:= 0,
fizzbuzz(N) :-
N mod 5 =:= 0,
PHPStan 0.12 introduced Generics notation for Iterator/Generator.
([Generics in PHP using PHPDocs - Ondřej Mirtes - Medium](https://medium.com/@ondrejmirtes/generics-in-php-using-phpdocs-14e7301953))…
I am proposing this project be renamed to FizzBuzzX.
My reasons include:
1. Internally we already refer to this project as Fizz Buzz extreme.
2. It will help with discovery and SEO.
3. fizzbuzzx…
Write a short program that prints each number from 1 to 100 on a new line.
For each multiple of 3, print "Fizz" instead of the number.
For each multiple of 5, print "Buzz" instead of the numbe…