## Naam
Invalid Form Alert
[Link naar GitHub Discussion](https://github.com/orgs/nl-design-system/discussions/278)
## Notities
An error to indicate the whole form is invalid and should be cha…
File contains JHtml::_('script', 'system/repeatable.js', true, true);
``make:form`` currently adds only named fields to the generated forms.
We should use the available type guessers from the form component / doctrine bridge and generate forms with added types.
Currently, All the form entries are looking dull, These fields can be highlighted.
Simple hack to this may be adding the bold tag "< b >" to the form entry fields.
I am trying to use the form collections for a set of nested models and filter the queryset for relevant form widgets in the context of the correct "parent" foreign key object. For example using…
Currently we see this:
![Screenshot 2024-07-09 at 08 34 25](https://github.com/fluentform/fluentform/assets/5323259/b40c7755-89d2-414f-aadf-c7526bdfc9b1)
The Submission ID, specific Form used, S…
Brent says:
> Let's develop a robust form component that can render many different fields based on the spec it receives. Then we > can use this for advanced dagrun trigger and connection management.
Some candidates / ideas:
- http://knpbundles.com/a2lix/TranslationFormBundle
- https://gist.github.com/2437078