mat = sparse([1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1])
throws an error:
> ERROR: MethodError: no method matching svdvals!(::SparseMatrixCSC{Float64,Int64})
Can we have `rank` for spars…
any plan to update to the current NIDAQmx version 17.5.0 (or the latest)
this fails:
colorx = RGBA(0.0,0.5,0,0.1)
colory = RGBA(0,0.5,0,1.0)
plot(x=[1,2,3], y=[2,6,4], Geom.point(), Scale.color_continuous(colormap=Scale.lab_gradient(colorx, colory)))
Not critical, but a bit annoying in the long run: it seems that Turing exports a "plot" function that conflicts with other plot packages. In my case...
using Turing
using Plots
Julia, v0.5.1
myplot = plot(x=rand(10), y=rand(10), Geom.histogram2d,
Guide.xlabel("y, true"), Guide.ylabel("y, predicted"))
Throws `InexactError()`.
LassoPlot.jl looks nice. On a first glance, it looks like it wouldn't be too difficult to generalise it (so as not to depend on Gadfly only). Am I right? If so, it would be great to have an outpu…
When plotting a collection with exactly one data point using Geom.histogram2d or Geom.hexbin, Gadfly crashes:
`julia> plot(x=[0], y=[0], Geom.histogram2d)`
ERROR: InexactError()
in trunc at /App…
plot(x = ["a","b","c"], y= 1:3, Geom.bar(orientation = :horizontal))
this doesn't plot for me.
In `test.jl`
#' Test
#+ fig_ext=".png"
using Plots
#+ fig_ext=".png"
julia> weave("/tmp/test.jl", doctype="github", out_path="build")
produces an…
output goes to the default app; does not show in the terminal