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Saya mencoba melakukan deployment manifest 8b di AWS EKS dan mendapati ERROR berikut:
$ kubectl apply -f bab-08b-database-persistent-volume-claim.yaml
When a connection is closed on the mobile side, it would be nice to offer for the user to scan a subsequent QR code to restart a halo gateway instance.
While the user can browse the list of input and output objects via the halo buttons, it would be helpful to actually see the number of objects right away. For pane compositions, show all the numbers.
I'm a little concerned about this change to t…
### 目前使用的 Sakura 版本?
### 目前使用的 halo 版本?
### 建议/问题
访问自定义页面地址出现 404 错误。
halo bang
可能是个人喜好,不过参考类似语雀、飞书文档等平台,灯箱样式看到大部分都是半透明背景凸显高亮的中间图片,我当前在halo2.18.0版本中安装的lightgallery 1.2.1,看到灯箱背景是纯黑色的,并在找了设置,没有看到相关的调整项,于是自己在halo系统设置里代码注入覆盖了纯黑的背景,整体效果如下,感觉朦胧背景比纯黑背景相对好看些,建议作者添加或者开发设置项
Article title: "Primeval very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs – III. The halo transitional brown dwarfs"
the supplementary data on the w…
I run Halo CE 1.09 and with Open Sauce 3.1.
Shortly after loading the map via Multiplayer -> Create Game -> LAN and hearing
the announcers voice, the Halo CE window vanishes as i move the mouse a…