Getting this, on `fa997fb6a4a9e82931e3098fa2df9567ffd796e9`
git log -n 1 --format=%H
go build -ldflags -X github.com/filecoin-project/go-filecoin/flags.Commit=fa997fb6a4a9e82931e…
When this code is run, it displays `Array.fromList [(),()]` on the screen. It should display `Array.fromList [()]`. It appears that `single` is being mutated by the append operation.
import Ht…
They published Phil Nash's HAMT talk from cppcon yesterday on youtube. His talk notes page has a link to immer, so I'm guessing you talked :) My question is how immer's HAMTs compare to phil's,…
I've been working on creating an upsert query that uses a selector which is a `map[string]string` and when working with a selector that has multiple keys about 20% of the time I run my query it ends u…
## Command
m4b@efrit :: [ ~/projects/panopticon ] RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo check --all --verbose
Fresh rustc-demangle v0.1.4
Fresh byteorder v0.5.3
Fresh strsim v0.6.0
The current hash function used here (fnv.New128a) maps keys with the same prefix to hashes with the same prefix. This unnecessarily makes the tree much deeper than required.
Trying to find a workaround for the issue https://github.com/ipld/js-cid/issues/38, I made a script to babelify every script that couldn't be parsed by webpack:
fix.js, click to expand
var e…
I noticed this line
var slot = new createNode(a.height - 1, 0);
createNode() is the factory here, it…
### Description
go test ./... -covermode=atomic -coverprofile=coverage.txt
? github.com/filecoin-project/go-filecoin [no test files]
ok github.com/filecoin-project/go-fileco…
This is slightly more performant than Math.pow (almost indistinguishable)