It was working two weeks ago, using the same procedures and equipment. I use the church equipment to record a video of the Lecture each Wednesday. They have mainly Apple equipment and I have Windows.…
- [x] are reporting a bug others will be able to reproduce and not asking a question. If you're not sure or want to ask a question do so on our Discourse: https://discourse.brew.sh
- [x] ran a `brew`…
I am using Jupyter Enterprise Gateway in YARN Cluster mode, with a slight modification.
An NGINX proxy is being used over multiple Jupyter Enterprise Gateway servers, which sends users to different…
**URL**: https://zombsroyale.io/
**Browser / Version**: Firefox 65.0
**Operating System**: Mac OS X 10.13
**Tested Another Browser**: Yes
**Problem type**: Design is broken
**Description**: The …
### Description of problem or feature request
I am trying to convert my physical DVD and Blu-ray collection to mkv format to use on my home server. DVDs are converted directly using handbrake to mkv…
I'm trying to create a UEFI enabled USB stick with the following setup structure
* rear version 1.19-git201612161033
* OS version Debian 8.0 testing ( running in virtualbox VM, EFI enabled)
I have entity Page with has many HtmlBlocks and entity HtmlBlock with belongs to many pages
(has collection of pages).
I configured many to many relation:
@stolksdorf: Could you please share your thoughts on how you see the Homebrewery's future? I know I don't speak just for myself in wanting to thank you for everything you've done for the D&D community…
新搭建集群,UI上显示正常。部署拓扑的时候。supervisor启动worker会报 woker启动不起来的错误。一台机器上只配置两个worker。worker的日志一点都没有。
但是用ps查看的话,会发送启动了非常多的worker进程。机器上ps -ef | grep jstorm | wc -l结果为:36,进程全部为worker进程
work 1061730 10…
So I've had the USB power issues on mac as previously posted.
Went and reflashed using the --head brew install.
(Uninstalled previous one first)