There should be a way for Cleanflight to give out sensor data and information to a requesting device from the l2c port. More advanced than the MSP protocol.
It would be amazing if the outputs include…
I have installed mochad on Intel Edison board. Installation went well but when ran sudo echo "rf a1 on" | nc localhost 1099, it threw error
nc: can't connect to remote host ( Connection re…
I'm using the generic Yocto instructions for Edison. Fetch task during paho mqtt fails.
I modified poky/meta-intel-iot-middleware/recipes-connectivity/paho-mqtt/paho-mqtt_3.1.bb
Lines 14-16 are th…
I want to write a Wideget into iot-dev.
As http://01org.github.io/intel-iot-services-orchestration-layer/#getstarted/example/add_widget_builtin
Step.1 create ui-widgets/widgets-jsx/xxx.js
Step.2 add s…
See following issue: https://github.com/intel-iot-devkit/upm/issues/411
And I've recently tried using Cylon JS to get it to work, and it sits on the same usage of MRAA and it's failing on trying to w…
我在iot 的工作流里面使用了 **间隔触发** 来定时触发我的工作流运行,我的工作流最后输出特定的字符 但是这样就造成了 **阻塞** 我每隔0.1秒执行一次工作流 一遍工作流耗时极少 但是 我执行的结果会延迟大概6秒左右才会输出 我想知道是不是单线程的问题?或者说是有什么更好的解决办法?是哪里的问题
Running Pokey 2.1, 159.devkit, with node 4.4.0, am having the following problem: I am able to run my node application from command line , without any problems; however, when I attempt to make a ser…
Kura seems to call iwlist, which is part of the wireless-tools package in debian. It's not listed in the deb dependencies for raspberry pi or intel edison.