I have version 0.9.0 of the plugin working under Linux and OS X, but under Windows 7 it appears that `mysql_install_db.pl` does not properly create the required system tables for the MySQL server to b…
### 问题描述:
18:02:09.730 DEBUG 19228 --- [nio-8120-exec-8] c.z.l.w.p.d.P.selectDetail - …
¿Tenés conocimiento previo en programación? (sin contar el Argentina Programa)
👍 Si.
👎 No, pero quiero aprender.
I download the code, change some stuff to work with my classpath an the
application was working. Then, I installed a MySQL DB to test the hibernate
functionality, and I have been experien…
Hello again,
I'm wondering if `causal-rest-api` could also work with `h2` instead of `mySQL` and `HSQL`?
I'm asking because it was easiest to set up `h2` while setting up [causal-web](https://github…
Vulnerable Library - seata-server-1.5.0.jar
Path to dependency file: /pom.xml
Path to vulnerable library: /home/wss-scanner/.m2/repository/org/springframework/security/spring-security-web/5.4.9/spr…
### 本地编译打 release 包
* 配置 JDK 环境变量,不管本地安装的那个版本的 JDK,一定要配置 6、7、8 对应的环境变量,都赋值为你本机安装的 JDK 版本,我这里没写 Maven 的安装配置说明,请自行 Google
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_131.jdk/C…
Ceci est une discussion ouverte en vue de determiner la faisabilite du projet. Dans cette discussion nous parlerons des technologies à utiliser en terme de developpement et de base de donnees.
These days , I have compiled and ran AutoSPARQL-develop on my Ubuntu system,but it didn't work.and I got these Exceptions. My runtime enviroment is JDK1.8,Maven 3.5.2.
PS:I also ran on windows. And I…
### Description
On occasions, windows nerdctl pull will fail with `UtilityVM: Incorrect function.: unknown`
Windows people, do you have a clue what that means / why it happens?
@sondavidb @jsturtev…