**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
Problem: Need to write JOI validation Object and annotation again for doc.
we are writing annotations for my APIs, But for Compon…
#### Context
* *node version*: v16.14.0
* *module version with issue*: 17.6.0
* *last module version without issue*: Not sure
* *environment* (e.g. node, browser, native): Browser
* *used w…
I have a legacy project where a field can be a number, but the absence of value is defined by an empty string (instead of `null`).
I am looking for something like `nullable` (`yup.number().allowEmp…
The fix introduced in https://github.com/AndrewKeig/express-validation/pull/134 actually made our TS build pass. In versions before (and after) v3.0.7, our usage of the constructor ValidationError(mes…
such as japanese,French etc.
### Issue Description
We determined the endpoints to be included in the practice app project in our [weekly meeting-9](https://github.com/bounswe/bounswe2022group2/wiki/Meeting-%239-(01.05.2022)).
need to fix joi and helmet, specially since adding new schemas and fields to old schemas.
joi stopped working when pushing more than one new elements to array indexes, helmet I need to look up docume…
Would be nice to support a request params and body validation that does not require using classes for your models.
Could potentially support inclusion of a joi schema in the definition of an endpoi…
I am testing koop.js to use some custom data (basically geojson source) in ArcGIS Pro through koop.js.
So far it is working pretty great. Thanks.
I ran into one problem which is
"When the spatial…
njkim updated
2 years ago
handleMutation within mutation.js seems to exclude the possibility of fields striped by Joi from being removed from the req.body.