store 里注入 store 跟 component 里注入 store 的方式好像不太一致,有啥考虑嘛?
This is the parent tracking issue for all the work we'd like to do, and primarily serves to link to the other issues.
I'm initially basing this off [my suggested outline for the new docs structure …
# RStore
### 什么是状态管理
### 实现方法
#### 1. 发布订阅
- backbone
#### 2. 脏值检查
- 变量dirty做记录,所以叫脏值检查
- 步骤
> 1. angular根本**不监听**数据的变动
> 1. 在恰当时机从$rootScope开始遍历所有$scope,检查它们是否有变化
> 1. 有变化,变量dirty为tr…
(Sorry, I know this is a long message. I'm happy to discuss/demo over vchat or in person at the rOpenSci event in late March.)
## Motivation
[d3](http://d3js.org) is awesome, we all know that.
I've …
**Describe the issue**
version: main, v1.20.0
**Steps to reproduce the issue**
/bin/bash -c "`(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openreplay/openreplay/main/scripts/docker-compose/dock…
In general, react-apollo is great for running GraphQL queries with minimal boilerplate, but one thing that gets quite repetitive is handling loading and error states (always checking if (loading), etc…
Failed to compile
./src/index.scss (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--6-oneOf-5-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss!./node_modules/sass-loader/lib/loader.js??ref--6-oneOf-5-3!./src…
## 생각해볼만한 점
- 서버가 과연 상태일까?
- SSOT에 대해 어디까지 생각해야할까?
- useState vs useReducer
- 다수의 하위 필들를 포함하고 있는 복잡한 상태 로직을 다룰 때
- 다음 상태가 이전 상태에 의존적일 때
- 주로 사용하는 상태관리는 어느건가요? 어떤 장점 때문에 사용하시나요?