Implement a caching of objects in the class
by.vsu.mf.ammc.pm.dao.mysql.project.ProjectDaoImpl while calling method
read(int id) twice or more times. Create class
Implement a caching of objects in the class
by.vsu.mf.ammc.pm.dao.mysql.project.ModuleDaoImpl while calling method read(int
id) twice or more times. Create class
Implement a caching of objects in the class
by.vsu.mf.ammc.pm.dao.mysql.project.management.EmployeeDaoImpl while calling
method read(int id) twice or more times. Create class
Implement a caching of objects in the class
by.vsu.mf.ammc.pm.dao.mysql.user.ContactDaoImpl while calling method read(int
id) twice or more times. Create class
Implement a caching of objects in the class
by.vsu.mf.ammc.pm.dao.mysql.user.ContactsTypeDaoImpl while calling method
read(int id) twice or more times. Create class
Implement a caching of objects in the class
by.vsu.mf.ammc.pm.dao.mysql.user.UserDaoImpl while calling method read(int id)
twice or more times. Create class
Implement a caching of objects in the class
by.vsu.mf.ammc.pm.dao.mysql.user.UsersGroupDaoImpl while calling method
read(int id) twice or more times. Create class
Implement a caching of objects in the class
by.vsu.mf.ammc.pm.dao.mysql.project.ProjectsCategoryDaoImpl while calling
method read(int id) twice or more times. Create class
Implement a caching of objects in the class
by.vsu.mf.ammc.pm.dao.mysql.project.ProjectDaoImpl while calling method
read(int id) twice or more times. Create class
Implement a caching of objects in the class
by.vsu.mf.ammc.pm.dao.mysql.project.ModuleDaoImpl while calling method read(int
id) twice or more times. Create class