I modified the example for solving the heat equation with Neumann BC's found [here](https://docs.sciml.ai/MethodOfLines/stable/tutorials/heat/) such that the initial condition everywhere in the domain…
I can reproducibly produce a segmentation fault in octave with a ltfat function:
$ echo "pkg load ltfat; load vars; g = double(g); G=frsynmatrix(frame('dgt',g,a,M),length(g)); (G*G')^(1/2…
Consider the deterministic NGM:
k(+1) = (1-δ)*k + k^α - c
1 = β*((c/c(+1))^σ)*(1-δ + α*(k(+1)^(α-1.0)) )
when I use log-transforms (as in Levintal) both Perturbation & Projection metho…
Dear Authors,
With the following data:
org_data_glm avg_slopes(mod, newdata = org_data_glm, conf_level = 0.9, df=109)$std.error
[1] 0.01800052
While the SE from the classic non-po…
Some `pytest`s are missing. In particular:
- Tests for the `NumericalDerivativesWorkChain`.
- Tests for the numerical derivatives calcfunctions.
- Tests for the symmetries in the `DielectricWorkC…
We should follow Tim Holy and use
abstract type AbstractInterval{T} end
parameterizing the underlying type
that fits well with an emerging pattern
`AbstractTime{T}` etc.
Within our company we trained a breakthrough realtime model which requires automatic differentiation feature at runtime. To be more specific, the model's output should be forward pass outputs + deriva…
Maybe a follow-up to #810.
The following examples where I use `hypothesis = "pairwise"` work for _glmmTMB_ (with too small standard errors), but not for _lmer_ models (returning `NA`).
``` r
The enthalpy and temperature distributions show inconsistent change.
I think that the temperature distribution should not just fluctuate. I mean to say that the distribution should be gradual for ex…
## Description
I'm getting strange results for custom multiclass loss functions. I implemented multiclass logloss as a custom loss function, and trained while evaluating on 3 validation set…