**Build Scans:**
- [elasticsearch-periodic-packaging #3172 / rhel-7_packaging-tests-unix](https://gradle-enterprise.elastic.co/s/fexh4gdsq7uki)
- [elasticsearch-periodic-packaging #3172 / ubuntu-2204_…
### Nomad version
### Operating system and Environment details
Vagrant box "ubuntu/focal64"
### Issue
I'm exploring nomad for running a batch having a large number of small tasks…
**Describe the solution you'd like**
**We would like to handle kube-descheduler with Operator Lifecycle Manager.**
_Nowadays, in our experience is very useful to handle a…
**What steps did you take and what happened:**
`helm install --repo https://kubernetes-sigs.github.io/cluster-api-operator capi-operator cluster-api-operator -n capi-system --create-namespace`
cwrau updated
8 months ago
## The Problem
Today we don't have a dedicated component in the Requester node that manages the compute nodes in the network. We only have a transient `NodeInfoStore` that discovers compute nodes thr…
### Apache Airflow version
Other Airflow 2 version (please specify below)
### What happened
Airflow 2.5.1 in k8s from chart airflow:8.7.1,
I wrote a `task_instance_mutation_hook` function an…
**Environmental Info:**
K3s Version:
$ k3s --version
k3s version v1.25.4+k3s- ()
go version go1.22.2
Node(s) CPU architecture, OS, and Version:
$ cat /etc/lsb-release
Stolz updated
2 months ago
controller-runtime v0.16.0 fails starting the manager when the operator is using cache.Options with kinds identified `ByObject` that are not present on the specific cluster.
This could happen for i…
The nfd-controller-manager-... pod cannot run, because it can't pull `registry.redhat.io/openshift4/ose-kube-rbac-proxy` which needs redhat registry credentials.
As AppArmor not in GA so not sure if it is BUG or feature request
#### What happened:
AppArmor does not work on AKS per the steps in installation manual. I have tested this on vanilla Kubernetes 1…