Voir si on met une feuille de plastique en avant du circuit pour le protéger de la lumière, pour coller une étiquette, mettre le clavier, etc. Pourrait être la prédécouper au laser et la monter sur de…
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard](https://docs.renovatebot.com/key-concepts/dashboard/) docs to learn more.
## Config Migration Needed
- […
Hi, can you change the size of the MCU Board? It is currently 101.7mm and this significantly increases the price of making it on PCBWAY.
I also need a Pick&Place, CPL or similar file. Where can I f…
The corrected PCB and Schematic have been uploaded as version 2
Ringdove EDA Electronic Design Automation suite
- [NLnet project](https://nlnet.nl/project/Ringdove/)
- http://www.repo.hu/projects/ringdove/
- schematics capture: [sch-rnd](http://www.repo.hu/…
![DYSON V10 Battery Board](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45007610/187153150-9e83f2a4-67ca-4be0-8bba-3eecd075f248.jpg)
Here is a high resolution picture of a dyson v10 batterypack PCB.
Hi Spencer,
I builded a detector before with some different components, for example AD8604 instead of LT1807. It worked for a while and then it has stopped working. Then I ordered all the compon…
What problems can I have? I have pcb model january but if the pin 20 is wrong, can I solution this problem? Is a important problem? Sorry for my english, I hope you understand my cuestion. Thanks
In the V7 BOM, R24 has the comment `47.5kΩ ` but `C25819` is `47kΩ`.
I found this really interesting github by googling to have more information about my TBS 2603au device. Thanks.
I was quite surprise that TBS devices are some sort of hack of the LinkPi.