Using clean 1.7.6 installation.
Go to Translations and search for instance for:
"Order with"
This gives 4 results (all of them for the string "Order with an obligation to pay".
The problem i…
En algunos pedidos, después de que son correctamente pagados, estos no aparecen como pagados en el backoffice si no que como cancelados.
Este error ocurre en pocos casos pero generan un gran prob…
Tout d'abord merci beaucoup pour ce module gratuit.
J'ai pu l'installer, le configurer et lancer la tâche Cron sans souci et tout fonctionne correctement dans la liste des commandes du backo…
ubuntu 18.4
upload zip into admin/autoupgrade, after all upgrade I've this error
attached the admin/autoupgrade/tmp
In the new backoffice theme, the hook displayBackOfficeTop has been moved outside the nav container. We can't add buton in fixed navigation bar : It's a regression.
Here is the old hook position
**Describe the bug**
I have the next message when i try to consult or edit commands from back-office :
La propriété PLOrder->id_order est vide.
at line 984 in file clas…
Open a product imported from database backup, try to edit it and save.
Request URL: https://www.store.com/admin/index.php/product/form/81611?_token=PhuhII7RdQ4dyagV_dgHTtE53zfAyTvCsDClv8yI9ZI
**Describe the bug**
Unable to load theme's translation form in Back Office
We do not encounter the problem with the classic theme, but we do encouter it with child themes and themes built upo…
**The bug**
When using orders webservice to update currentState I get an error (see screenshoot)
**To Reproduce**
try to update an order current state with the webservice
quisera saber si es factible , ( cre oque si ) que por favor el voucher o la informacion de arroja el voucher en la pagina de confirmacion de pedidos tambien sea añadida al backoffice de prestashop.