I'm curious why all the content has categories that match the section?
Was just trying out your library with a sample piece of code from [here](http://www.phpclasses.org/blog/post/315-Create-Microsoft-Word-DOCX-files-from-HTML-in-PHP-Part-1-Simple-Example.html). When I o…
How should we do the back-end? Do we have it as separate folder in the Repository or create it's own repository?
Here are the pros and cons of having a separate project
### Pros
- It can have it…
I'm having a hard time getting my head around what farmOS is meant to do. I watched the NOFA video and it seems like it's focused on collecting info from ad hoc sources (sensors, etc) and also tracki…
As long as Ember supports IE8, it is more correct to avoid suggesting the usage of native `Promise` object as it's not supported in IE8 and currently documented here: http://emberjs.com/api/clas…
in the table in {#generating-an-attestation-statement}, the "Public key algorithm and encoding" row says in part:
2. 0x0102. Raw encoded RSA PKCS1 or RSASSA-PSS public key...
Which s…
I just wanted to link to a similar project that might be of interest people here. Maybe we could link back to them? Anyway I'm giving ghacks user.js a go in a new FF profile.
v0.11 article: http:/…
When the user ticks the 'Any' file type.. This tick box needs to be turned off when they try to tick any of the other file type tick boxes.. Alternatively.. If ticking all of the tick boxes is the sam…
Shop listings have multiple angstroms in them.
previously I could do this:
workspace 'X'
flags { 'C++11' }
project 'Y'
language 'C++'
and all my code would be compiled with C++11 standards enabled..