I am using meteor as our backend, but not for the frontend. I digging in the code and find the client part is relied on Meteor package. So, we modify it to not depends on meteor library.
Any chance…
cannot install meteor from my Singapore server
meteor npm install --save "@babel/runtime@7.0.0-beta.55" bcrypt
This is your first time using Meteor!
Installing a Meteor distribution in you…
I get the following error when running **meteor**
I just updated to
I tried completely uninstalling and reinstalling all akryum packages
_These are the current versions_:
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an unexpected internal server error
(generated by waitress)
`Spring Boot` does not provide a slice `@DataCassandraTest` annotation for test `Cassandra` **reactive** or **regular** components, as it does for `Redis`,`Mongo`, ...
The following snippet shows…
nosan updated
5 years ago
Bug report
Hi, using latest Spring versions (2.1.2.RELEASE and Cloud Greenwich.RELEASE) it looks like after calling mongo with reactive operators trace context is resetted (ie one cannot get back tra…
I am trying to do load test of a simple Spring webflux application using gatling tool. Application is developed using 'spring-boot-starter-webflux' and 'spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb-reactive' proj…
Regardless of if I add or update meteortesting:mocha, I get the 1.0.1 version of meteortesting:mocha-core as seen in the .meteor/versions file, and there is plenty of new stuff in newer releases, like…
The latest Spring Data Mongo has brought Reactive support for GridFs, but Spring Boot 2.2.0.M1
is lack of an `AutoConfiguration` class to activate it, I have to configure it manually at the moment.
**[Oliver Drotbohm](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=olivergierke)** opened **[DATACMNS-1260](https://jira.spring.io/browse/DATACMNS-1260?redirect=false)** and commented