The current signature of both encapsulate and decapsulate (`fn encapsulate(...) -> Result`, `fn decapsulate(...) -> Result` stores the **secret** on the stack. This means it will potentially be copied…
faern updated
7 months ago
@santino As suggested moving this into separate issue in #2862
We have been successfully using the transform. Here are some comments:
- the transform is very powerful and enables A LOT of things a…
At this moment, we only support `Dense` layers. This is becuase `SparseArrays.jl` currently supports only 1D vectors or 2D matrices, so we could try transforming `Conv` layers into dense matrix multip…
Hi Adam,
I'm trying to insert an SNP in a BAM file (30.000X coverage), using the following input:
`chr17 7674230 7674230 1 T`
With REF=C and hg=hg38.
As you can see from the log it takes the…
I mentioned this to @carandraug last week. I understood you're aware of this, but as I couldn't find an issue about it, I'm just pasting here the screenshots of what I'm referring to - see below.
Would you consider a different design for the file format?
A LevelDB file cluster is enclosed in a 7zip archive. Perhaps this design is in some ways compelling for implementation reasons. Yet any…
This is the demo that renders fonts with FreeType on openfl-next. Text layout and rectangular packing is currently done on starling library though.
vroad updated
7 years ago
I don't know if filter-repo is just using what git gives it or how hard this would be, but I have a use case where I need shallow, as in .git/shallow , commits with unreachable parents to not have th…
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IDE: IntelliJ IDEA 15.0.5
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OS: Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11.3
When autocompleting Go imports under certain circumsta…
Transmuting pointers to integers (i.e., not going through the regular cast) is a problem. This is demonstrated by the following silly example:
fn example(ptr: *const i32, cmp: usize) -> usiz…