- use nouns instead of action
- use kebab-case for urls
- plural name for ressources
- `/resources/:resourceId/subresources` => `/collections/:id/items`
I installed matrix-corporal in a docker container and it is working alright.
Homeserver is installed on docker host and accessible via local ip and port.
I wanted to use the REST API Hook and inst…
## Description
According to [this information](https://pubmlst.org/change-data-access-policy) the pubMLST database will require users to authenticate themselves to perform any type of requests (even G…
Currently library stops working if you have dependency with newer version of rest sharp
System.MissingMethodException: Method not found:Void RestSharp.RestClient..ctor(System.String) at DigitalOce…
Initiate design documentation for REST API
I was trying to use WP with AstroJs using the Rest API `posts` endpoint `http:///wp-json/wp/v2/posts`
Since I had `define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );`
I'm getting this as part of the output:
Is it supported to access openblock funcionatilities via a REST API Admin Interface? For example to automate backups (export apps definition) or automate any other actions?
# Bug report
`sentry-integration-js` loads in node/server-side environment, but does not appear to do anything (both in local dev & deployed to prod)
## Describe the bug
* Sentry 8 works as expec…
I see there log4j2.xml configuring log levels in that file might work but if I want to temp set log lev for troubleshooting is there a way to do it via rest api?
Voici la lib que nous utilisons pour créer des API REST si tu as besoin :