Hello, I have failed tests when running yarn test.
when mint nft some other wallets address rise this issue and but remix VM network nft create by other wallets successfullly.
## Issue Type
- [ ] Bug (https://github.com/ethjs/ethjs/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md#bug-reports)
- [x] Feature (https://github.com/ethjs/ethjs/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md#feature-req…
See the title! For example, Polygon
**User Story:**
As a funder
I want to select a token from a list of tokens that are available from the selected payout chain
So that i can only select tokens that can be paid out on my chain
Ability to add, delete and rename pubkeys is very important. So its time to implement robots
Hi Francis – I am Kuldeep, a mentor who is assisting with the grading. Congratulations, your Final Project passed! We'll be approving it on the course itself in a week or two, but here's your feedback…
# Procedurally Rendered NFTs
## Proposal
To enable NFTs with on-chain procedurally-generated assets, renderers should support rendering inlined `data:...` tokenURI output.
## Background
## Summary
### Low Risk Issues
| |Issue|Instances|
| [L‑01] | Don't roll your own crypto | 1 |
| [L‑02] | Chainlink's VRF V1 is deprecated | 1 |
| [L‑03] | Rinkbe is n…
This is a follow-up for: https://github.com/walleth/kethereum/pull/21
There are now multiple of these blocks in kethereum:
init {