Good to see your work to Interface ESP32 with OpenBCI.
I was trying your procedure to connect ESP32 to OpenBCI, could connect ESP32 to computer, but didn't detect the stream.
DRDY pin was not connec…
The issue appears to occur intermittently on some devices, currently observed on modules TOP1 and BOTTOM4, that after a few weeks of operation the device stops responding until a power cycle occurs. N…
Hi, this lib works with Rasp PI 2 Model B + RC522 ? You have examples for PIN configurations?
I tryng the rppal-rfid-read.rs example, but i dont how pins(what version of raspberry is used in the ex…
I'm using a ModeMCU - ESP8266 board
with this NFC reader: [https://it.aliexpress.com/item/33014782756.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.6d6e4c4dy4vnIS](https://it.aliexpress.com/item/33014782756.html?spm=a2…
### Description
The WavFilePlayer example doesn't work with Teensy 3.5's BUILTIN_SDCARD pin.
SD.begin(BUILTIN_SDCARD) freezes as long as there is any AudioPlaySdWav.play() call in the code.
I …
On a F4DICOVERY, sd card is not detected, with this message:
2.11 BSD UNIX for STM32, rev G290 #6: Thu Feb 23 17:23:34 CET 2023
It would be great if you could just plug in the Liliygo to the ODB port without the use of a laptop to capture the CAN Logs as it has an onboard SD card slot.
/* Other op…
I tried to use the board with my Ender-2 and this was such a negative surprise...
Ender-2 uses MKS_MINI_12864
The example of SPI is not communication on maixduino.
Maixduino communication is follow,
I used the precompiled MicroPython binaries v1.12 for my TTGO T-Display since June 2020 and it works very well. Recently I downloaded the binaries v1.17 and v1.18 and the same code no longer works. Fl…