Hi guys,
I finally got captagent setup instead of having all the various opensips and freeswitchs inserting into the homer database and it's great. Thanks so much for your awesome tool.
I was st…
Having a bit of an issue trying to capture RTCP. Current setup is homer-docker for the capture server.
The client is an Asterisk machine, making a call between a Zoiper softphone. I'm using the 6.1 b…
Hi Guys
after running the install script on debian 8.7
kamailio wont start and gives the below error
loading modules under config path: //usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/kamailio/modules/
loading m…
Note to self, we need to update the pointers for elements using homer-api mysql scripts as the location as been changed
```homer-api/sql``` -> ```homer-api/sql/mysql```
```homer-api/scripts``` -> …
Document says to do something like this
docker run -tid --name homer5 -p 80:80 -p 9060:9060/udp sipcapture/homer-docker --dbhost --dbuser homer_user -dbpass homer_password
I have set up captagent on a voipnow server and it is sending data to homer.
Homer is working and receiving the data, however on the voipnow server, these errors keep popping up
> [ERR] protocol_s…
when running /opt/homer_rotate i receive :
BI connect('homer_data:localhost:3306','homer_user',...) failed: Access denied for user 'homer_user'@'localhost' (using password: YES) at /opt/homer_mysql_p…
I hope this is a configuration issue.
I've tried twice to get homer running, First manually and then using the bash script in a fresh EC2 instance (Centos 7) dedicated for Homer and I have the…
Hello, It was great meeting some of you at Astricon. I have just recently installed Homer via docer and have captagent installed on one of my Asterisk 11 servers. SIP with SDP appears to be working fi…
Two parts:
- [x] make it work
- [x] contribute it back to https://github.com/sipcapture/captagent