In multiple source files, a conditional signal assignment statement is used within a process, which is illegal in VHDL-2008. Instead an if statement or case statement should be used.
During compila…
I'm trying to undestand if I can develop a web-based, client only, solution to implement real-time control (e.g. audioreactive/camera) to WLED.
Problem is, there's no way to send UDP packets from j…
@alanvgreen Starting an issue for the PLL. I've started playing with it, not sure how much progress you've made on it. I was thinking of starting a wiki page on it to document the behavior of some of …
This is a bit of a pipe dream and would require a lot of effort on our part (effort that would be better spent elsewhere). However, I think that if anyone could add this to Beepbox, it would be us.
This thread is for project planning for MCPHS. @MedChemProf is planning to conduct to UG projects next semester.
We need to identify appropriate targets and share ELN links that will be helpful for t…
This repo is amazing! I know you haven't worked on it in a while, but it can make creating music in Serum & Vital even more fun for Omnisphere fans.
I have some feedback and suggestions.