Pro napájení z fotovoltanických článků je perspektivní využití následujících dvou modulů:
- [LION1CELL01B](https://github.com/MLAB-project/Modules/tree/master/power_supply/LION1CELL01B)
*Issue migrated from trac ticket # 2987*
**milestone:** HeuristicLab 3.3.x Backlog | **component:** Algorithms.DataAnalysis | **priority:** medium
#### 2019-01-25 10:31:05: @foolnotion created the i…
This line will only work for linux and doesn't support windows and osx and it should throw a exception if the env …
https://hackage.haskell.org/package/dependent-map- provides a "heterogeneous" map type, allowing keys to determine the type of the values.
3noch updated
6 years ago
The error is triggered by the following code:
Goal True.
set (f := @id nat).
refine (let n2 := ltac:(evar (n : nat); let r := constr:(f n) in subst n; exact r) in _).
simpl in *.
**Describe the bug**
While working on a quite minimal Zephyr firmware for the `nucleo_f767zi` board I noticed that the network connection is unreliable. As shown below this is reproducible with the…
I tried to install with stack using the cabal file below
``` cabal
executable music
hs-source-dirs: src
main-is: Main.hs
default-language: Haskell2010
build-depends: …
If you are playing some AAC file, but trying to go forward a few seconds or backward it shows this error instead of seeking properly.
1) `uname -a`:
Linux host 4.19.6-300.fc29.x86_64 #1 SMP .…
What change would like to see?
I'm working on a project where the customer has specified the STM32F MCU, like
the STM Discovery F3 board or Leaf Labs Maple. I reviewed the Maple and it is a
## Background information
### What version of Open MPI are you using?
- OpenMPI : 4.0.1
- also used V3.1.4, V2.1.1 and V1.10.7
### Describe how Open MPI was installed
- ```wget https://d…