The default random number generator of numpy seems to be used throughout the code (`grep np.random`). For example in: [mountain_car.py](https://github.com/openai/gym/blob/master/gym/envs/classic_contr…
Hi, the dataset with ID 1438 is strange. There is this 'relational' variable-type that is currently not supported by any arff reader in R. This is the header:
@attribute bag relational
I would like to propose an addition in the scikit - learn ML algorithm:: heat diffusion on un-directed weighted graph
It is used in a semi-supervised setup and can be used at problems requirin…
Have you considered adding MLPACK to these comparisons: http://www.mlpack.org/
In these comparisons you can see it outperforming matlab, scikit, and weka on several benchmarks: http://www.mlpack.org/…
When I turn lof on, I get many errors:
here is the dissertation.lof file:
\addvspace {10\p@ }
\addvspace {10\p@ }
\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2.1}{\ignorespaces The UBM.}}{27}
I just had a look at caret and made a list of learners, which have not yet been integrated into mlr (at least as far as I know).
``` r
Package Function …
Data Storage currently assumes labeled data ...
I think zeroing all labels might work when working with unlabeled data, but for the future a more sophisticated solution may be required.
- Bitbuc…
Data Storage currently assumes labeled data ...
I think zeroing all labels might work when working with unlabeled data, but for the future a more sophisticated solution may be required.
- Bitbuc…
Feedback from @rasbt:
- [x] Okay, let be me very nit-picky here. I would either spell all the package name in lower-case or use the common convention: NumPy, seaborn, matplotlib, SciPy, scikit-learn
Dear all,
I am looking forward to meet you all next week and I am very excited to get started on this project. @davclark and @postfalk ordered a small computer, Arduinos, blue tooth equipment, and se…