Simple code:
import Foundation
func sendPostRequest(urlString: String, headers: [String: String], jsonObject: [String: Any], completion: @escaping (Data?, URLResponse?, Error?) -> Void) {
**Describe the bug**
The issue appeared 1-2 months ago, can't pinpoint it exactly.
I'm using AWSS3TransferUtility and uploadImage or uploadUsingMultiPart (both have the same behavior) and I run i…
The `URLSession` convenience methods are currently [only available on Apple platforms](https://github.com/apple/swift-http-types/blob/1827dc94bdab2eb5f2fc804e9b0cb43574282566/Sources/HTTPTypesFoundati…
The [end of the Authorization doc](https://github.com/hotwired/turbo-ios/blob/main/Docs/Authentication.md#basecamp-3-and-hey) mentions getting cookies alongside an OAuth response.
> For HEY, we hav…
(As reported by user on Gitter)
For URLRequest, this works on iOS:
var request = URLRequest(url: url)
request.httpMethod = requestMethod.rawValue
request.setValue(self.userAgent, forHTTP…
- (void)findOneDocumentWhere:(NSDictionary *)document
options:(RLMFindOptions *)options
ejm01 updated
8 months ago
### Description
React Native IOS app is crashing with JavaScriptCore
![Screenshot 2023-11-24 at 17 45 47](https://github.com/facebook/react-native/assets/99857980/1f58899a-bc3c-40d0-99cb-eb8a0…
## What did you do?
I used a post request with a streamed body to send a large data in body as below
func request(_ endpoint: Endpoint) -> AnyPublisher {
let requestModifier: Sessi…
### The language of WCDB
> e.g. Objective-C
### The version of WCDB
> e.g. v1.0.5
### The platform of WCDB
> e.g. iOS
### The installation of WCDB
> e.g. Cocoapods
## Goals
No error occurs.
## Expected Results
Return with a expected when calling `refresh` method rather than an exception.
In version 2.0.4 and blow, the code works just fine. But failed i…