## The devDependency [@wdio/local-runner](https://github.com/webdriverio/webdriverio) was updated from `5.8.6` to `5.9.0`.
🚨 [View failing branch](https://github.com/appcelerator/titanized/compare/d…
./node_modules/@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/Select/Select.js 193:23-40
"export 'badge' (imported as 'badgeStyles') was not found in '../../@patternfly/patternfly/components/Badge/b…
Is is possible to explicitly disable the validator? Our API is internal, so it makes no sense for it to go out through an external server. It would be nice to have an option to do so.
Also there is …
As a user
I want to be able to delegate my atoms to a validator
so that I can support the network in validation and earn commission.
- [x] User is able to view all the validators
- [x] User…
## The dependency [validator](https://github.com/chriso/validator.js) was updated from `10.10.0` to `10.11.0`.
🚨 [View failing branch](https://github.com/ChFlick/blogstoph/compare/master...ChFlick:g…
**#165** — possibly related issue.
### 1. Summary
I don't understand, how I can use globally installed remark plugins. Variant [**from documentation**](https://github.com/remarkjs/remark/blob/ma…
As mentioned to @mlandauer. Create badges for council feeds that they could put on their website to show they have a working and valid data feed based on running through our fancy validator thingo.
Local notification give an error while ionic cordova build android after npm update. all the angular dependencies are upgraded to 5.*.* versions.
cli packages:
@ionic/cli-utils : 1.19.1
## The dependency [validator](https://github.com/chriso/validator.js) was updated from `10.10.0` to `10.11.0`.
🚨 [View failing branch](https://github.com/sequelize/sequelize/compare/master...sequeli…