Wollok is accepting the following program, but it shoudn't:
class Foo {
method foo() { console.println('foo') }
class Baz inherits Foo {
override method foo()
Also, in runtime, …
Currently the Wollok Eclipse is English based. Is it possible to add spanish translations to UI?
It is working:
"melon".equals( "melon")
"melon" == "melon"
But if in the Set we have duplicate String like:
# {"melon", "tomate", "melon"}.size()
Seems are couting the product "melon"…
If you code
``` java
method costoTotal(ambiente) = self.costoPintura(ambiente) ...
and you don't have costoPintura defined, it would be nice to add QuickFix create method...
It should have start, end, and step.
It should offer this methods:
- contains(e)
- random()
It is not enumerable since they are infinite numbers.
You can not implement a forEach method.
Sometimes it repeats the line at the top in the current line, sometimes it plays with the identation. It's very very very annoying. It is also not deterministic, and I can't figure out why sometimes i…
Yeah, the title actually has sense.
I don't have wollok perspective nor new project in the brand new recently downloaded 1.4.3 Wollok for Linux 64 bits. (I'm on Kubuntu 15.10)
- a program to be run
- type of program (wlk/wpgm/wtest)
Maybe there are more parameters.
If there were only these two we could have just different endpoints.
Does it make sense to run jus…