Getting unknown annotator from the stanford.jar
Current impl of `annotate_reactome.py` requires access reactome.org website.
Reactome IDs -> Pathways titles annotator could use cached databases downloaded from rectome.org: `/mnt/stripe/bio/genomes…
I am trying to write a custom annotator for JSON. The issue I am running into is for every attribute, the datatype in the generated class is string. When this method executes
Unable Edit or Delete the Annotations - Page getting refreshed. When click on the edit or delete icon the page getting refreshed unable to do any actions.
Is it possible to mark event attributes as mandatory? So that the annotator gets an error if they didn't select an attribute. I need to have tense marked on all events, currently defied as:
Tense Arg…
Os exemplos de #69 sugerem que o nheengatu não gramaticaliza a oposição entre infinitivo e particípio. Em vez disso, distingue entre formas finitas, marcadas com os prefixos flexionais de número e pe…
Can the annotator show when the last updated each document
also for each collection, if possible
Hello, do you have any plans to have the licensing under a less restrictive version? GPL and AGPL are licenses I can't use with work, and I'd like to experiment with your work as it looks very interes…
I have implemented demo in my website and it works fine,
However in mobile device browser its not working.
So my question is does this version support mobile touch annotaion ?