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- [x] 您的问题没有在[issues][issues]报告,否则请在原有issue下报告
- [x] 本问题确实关于`itchat`, 而不是其他项目.
- [ ] 如果你的问题关于稳定性,建…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. the ways to reproduce this error is to play the game,then go to emulator
and save.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
instead of…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. the ways to reproduce this error is to play the game,then go to emulator
and save.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
instead of…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Get any SIM card from MTS RUS without activated VoiceMail feature
2. Send USSD request "*100#" to get balance (russian answer) - see that USSD
reply work…
UPDATE 8:54am 1/21/2014: I think I found the issue. By accident, I must have also deactivated (not deleted) PODS. So, without PODS being activated, I was getting the fatal error with Pods Auto Disp…
I am 100% in love with the automatic importing of ionic components from the template - saves a lot of switching and helps keep me in the flow. However, I found today that the auto-importing suddenly …
META_VIDEO_ONLY check doesn't stop videos without text from being sent by users not in a whitelist.
I can send the logs privately.
**Please complete the checklist before filing an issue:**
- [ ] Is this a "how to" question? For questions on how to use the SDK, implement features or other related questions, [please use our foru…
Hey, thanks for this great library! I need to use a combobox (from headlessui) inside the drawer, but it won't let me select any of the combobox options because it is rendered in a portal on the body.…
Your Reply: Although there's no specific option for it, you can set it up
yourself - see the example on the Macros wiki page at
https://code.google.com/p/potatomushclient/wiki/Macros . Combined …